11 Ways Lactobacillus Acidophilus Can Benefit Your Health

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Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) is a little bacteria with a big name and comes with equally big health benefits. Not only are there substantial benefits for children and adults, acidophilus is readily available in common foods that are easy to obtain or even make yourself, and carries minimal risk of side effects.

What Is Lactobacillus Acidophilus?

Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of a family of probiotics; that is, a bacteria which naturally occurs in the body. LA is also found in a number of fermented foods including yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir, as well as in over-the-counter supplements.

You’ve probably heard of bacteria described as good or bad. So-called good bacteria are essential for your health, particularly for digestion and a robust immune response to pathogens. In fact, most bacteria are essential to life. While comparatively few kinds are harmful, the ones that are cause serious health conditions such as salmonella (food poisoning), e coli, and bacterial pneumonia among others.

Probiotics are the good kind of bacteria, and there is also evidence that lactobacillus acidophilus specifically can help prevent or treat a variety of common health conditions.

If you or someone you care about suffers from any of the following health issues, here’s how lactobacillus acidophilus may help ease or even prevent them.

L acidophilus rods

1. Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease By Reducing Cholesterol

When your cholesterol is 240 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or greater, you’re at significant risk for heart disease, which is the number one cause of death  for both women and men in the US.

Because high cholesterol is one of the primary risk factors for heart disease, it makes sense to use whatever means you can to reduce your level.  Recent studies show that LA is effective at reducing total cholesterol as well as LDL (the “bad” kind). Although probiotics in general help, LA has been shown to be one the most beneficial of them.

reduce cholesterol

2. Boost Your Immunity

When your immune system is deficient, you’re at risk for opportunistic diseases such as the Norwalk virus and pneumonia that you wouldn’t otherwise get.

Acidophilus has been shown to strengthen the immune system and support it to respond in a balanced and healthy way to pathogens in the body. By eating LA-rich food or taking supplements, you can help your immune system to protect you.

3. Good For Your Gut Health

In the last several years a lot of research has emerged which shows how vital a healthy gut is to your overall well-being. Poor gut health results in inflammation in the body which in turn is a risk factor for other conditions such as cancer, food intolerances, and dementia. And we sometimes compromise our gut health by eating processed food and taking antibiotics, for example.

Your gut contains trillions of bacteria and other microbes in what’s called the microbiome, a complex part of your body that’s still only marginally understood. But one thing we do know for certain: your health is more likely to flourish when your gut is healthy. Because lactobacillus acidophilus naturally occurs in your body, eating foods or taking supplements which contain it is strongly promotes a healthy gut.


4. Prevent Or Reduce Diarrhea

Although we normally think of diarrhea as more of an embarrassment than a serious illness, diarrhea is actually the second-leading cause of death in children 5 and under.

As well, the the elderly are also susceptible to dying from the complications of chronic diarrhea, the most severe of which is dehydration that leads to loss of electrolytes and essential nutrients.

Acidophilus has been shown to mitigate diarrhea symptoms, or even prevent you from coming down with it at all.

Be aware that a bout of acute (short-term) diarrhea may indicate that you have an underlying medical condition of some kind. Once you use LA to help ease the symptoms, be sure to have a medical professional check out what’s going on with you.

5. Improve Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

If you know anyone with IBS, you know how utterly disruptive it can be to daily life. Even when you’re on prescription medication, you can still suffer sudden attacks of diarrhea or significant abdominal cramping which causes you to have to dash for the bathroom. In fact, one of my friends with IBS plans all of her outings around accessible bathrooms, which she’s scoped out in advance just in case her IBS strikes.

By taking acidophilus to boost the healthy bacteria in your bowels, you may ease your IBS symptoms and lessen the chances of experiencing a sudden attack of cramping or diarrhea.

(By the way, you can rest easy that IBS doesn’t increase your risk of colon cancer nor does it damage bowel tissue.)

6. Treat Or Prevent Vaginal Infections

Lactobacillus acidophilus supports a healthy vaginal environment, and is shown to be beneficial in treating or even preventing vaginal infections.

There are two general types of vaginal infections called bacterial vaginitis and a yeast infection. As the names imply, one caused by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria and a vaginal yeast infection is caused by fungus. Either bacterial vaginitis or a yeast infection is unpleasant and disrupts daily life

While neither type are deadly, they have highly unpleasant symptoms such as itching and burning, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge that are embarrassing. As well, if you’re trying to get pregnant, research shows that a healthy vagina provides a favorable environment for the sperm’s journey to your egg so a vaginal infection may slow down your ability to conceive.

7. Promote Weight Loss

Let’s face it, most of us want to lose weight either to look good or feel better about ourselves – or both. But since being overweight also increases risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer, do yourself an enormous favor and try lactobacillus acidophilus to help get your weight down.

You’ll feel better about yourself and support your health in one easy step.

8. Prevent Or Reduce Cold And Flu Symptoms

Doctors and medical researchers have known for years that probiotics, especially lactobacillus acidophilus, can prevent or reduce cold and flu.

Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of getting a bug that’s currently going around, you didn’t get sick at all? You wouldn’t be sidelined by the cold or flu for days, throwing your life out of whack. Not to mention you’d feel good and be able to meet your family and work commitments.

Even if you did get sick, imagine at least reducing the impact of your cold or flu so you get could back to your regular life quicker.

9. Prevent Or Reduce Allergy Symptoms

LA, by supporting a healthy immune system, can prevent or reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. An allergy is caused by an overactive immune response to a common substance; that’s what causes your itchy, watery eyes, itchy throat, and persistent sinus congestion in response to pollen, for example. A healthier immune system wouldn’t respond so strongly – or at all – to an allergen.

If you dislike constantly taking antihistamines during allergy season, do yourself a favor and try taking acidophilus instead. It’s much easier on your body than over-the-counter medications.

10. Improve Iron And Folate (B12) Levels

If you’re low on either the vitamin folate (also known as B12) or iron, you’re susceptible to two specific kinds of anemia, meaning your body doesn’t make sufficient red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body’s tissues. Both low folate (B12) anemia and low iron anemia compromise your health and can be serious if untreated. Children are particularly susceptible to the effects of anemia, and having sufficient folate levels is essential if you’re pregnant.

Lactobacillus acidophilus has been shown to improve red blood cell and hemoglobin levels, support weight gain among children who are dangerously underweight because of anemia, and increase iron levels among people who are obese.

11. Prevent Or Reduce Symptoms Of Eczema

Eczema results in rough, red, inflamed patches of skin on the body, which sometimes blister or bleed. It’s caused in part by a hyper immune response similar to the one that causes allergies, as mentioned above, but also likely by an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria in the gut. People who suffer from exzema often also develop mental health conditions such as depression because of their self-consciousness about their appearance.

Because, as mentioned, acidophilus supports both a healthy gut and immune system, taking it can help ease or prevent your ezcema and potentially support your mental health too.

Sounds Good, But Are There Side Effects?

As shown, lactobacillus acidophilus has numerous health benefits, yet like most treatments there are potential side effects to be aware of before you take it.

Use care and consult with your doctor if you’re taking either antibiotics or immunosuppressants because antibiotics can negate the benefit of LA, or LA may slightly increase your risk of secondary infection if you’re taking immunosuppressant drugs. As well, if you’re taking the dug Sulfasalazine please also talk with your physician.

If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, or considering breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before taking acidophilus, just to be on the safe side.

And if you are sensitive to lactose, you may experience stomach pain, intestinal gas or bloating, or diarrhea from products that contain lactobacillus acidophilus. While these are annoying but not medically serious side effects, be aware that very rarely there can be serious ones such as hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or threat. Seek immediate medical help if you experience any of these, as they are likely signs of an allergic reaction to acidophilus.

Foods That Abound With The Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic

Besides being found naturally in your body, many common foods are rich in LA – meaning you can easily obtain the numerous benefits of these probiotic foods when you want to boost your health. A few of them are:

Yogurt is perhaps the best-known and most readily available food source of acidophilus. Though you’re likely to find a wide variety of yogurt at your grocery store, not all yogurts are created LA equal, so be sure to check to label to ensure the yogurt contains live cultures. You may also wish to try probiotic yogurt, which in addition to live cultures has a particular strain of probiotic added to enhance its effectiveness.

Another food source is kefir (pronounced kuh-FEAR), a fermented product similar to yogurt. Kefir is usually found as a drink but can also be kefir yogurt and kefir milk. It’s usually made with dairy, but if you avoid dairy then try coconut kefir or water kefir.

No matter what its form, kefir is made from what’s called kefir grains that are a combination of yeast and bacteria which start the fermentation process. You can buy kefir at many grocery stores, health food stores, and online too.


You may not know that sauerkraut is laden with acidophilus, making it another readily obtainable source of this beneficial probiotic. And if you’re feeling a little adventurous, sauerkraut is incredibly easy to make if you want to give it a try.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus Is Available In Supplements

Fermented foods can be an acquired taste for some people, and no matter how good for you they are you just can’t bring yourself to eat them. Or your kids may flatly refuse to let such food pass their lips! Fortunately, you’ve got the choice of taking lactobacillus acidophilus as over-the-counter supplements in a variety of forms including tablets, capsules, and even gummies to entice the pickiest of kids.

Typical supplement dosages for adults are often given as the number of live organisms they contain, and range from 1 to 10 billion. For children over the age of 5, one typical dosage is 1 billion live organisms or whatever your pediatrician recommends – especially if your child is under 5.

Most probiotic suppements should be kept at room temperature in a dry environment to prevent the cultures from dying off. But some require refrigeration – be sure to check the label of the one you buy.

Since there are a number of beneficial probiotic bacteria besides acidophilus, you may want to explore whether taking LA in combination with other probiotic bacteria would boost the probiotic benefit depending on your specific health conditions.

Support Your Health The Natural Way

Your body has its own natural intelligence that supports you to thrive and enjoy vibrant health. But in your busy everyday life you can compromise your health through no fault of your own. However, now that you’ve discovered how to use one of nature’s own elements to improve these 11 common conditions, you can easily be on your way to regaining the well-being you crave.

And if you’re already feeling pretty good but feel you could benefit even more by giving your immune system or microbiome a healthy boost, you see how lactobacillus probiotic can help.

Set aside a bit of time for yourself to experience the benefits that acidophilus probiotic can bring you. You’ll be glad you did.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Juan R. Luna Jr

    In reading this Blog in Hearty Heroes, I found a great number of dialogs of how to maintain my wellbeing thereby understand how good and bad bacteria affect our body. The hyperlinks supported the article with useful information and case studies thus creating a credible source of information. In having, some experiences with the key focus in this article help me understand how this actually affects our daily lives. The article helps me be more compassionate as I travel with different age group, which may be facing different challenges. Since I suffer from alleges, the reading educated me with a different method, which may or may not reduce my dependency of over the counter medication, a method to boost my immune system, which also helps in preventing/reducing a cold or flu symptoms.
    The article speaks about Lactobacillus acidophilus and the use of it came to promote weight loss, I am not sure about everyone else, but I take enough medications for a number of reasons. Therefore, if I can reduce the number of meds with a supplement that will target a great number of health issues, like iron, folate that are our (B12) levels and Allergies, reduce Flu Symptoms while promoting a Healthy Gut and lower Cholesterol and many more I am all in.
    Although the article did touch on the subject on the side effect, the information is useful in creating a dialog with my doctor since I am under doctor care.

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